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You must have listened it from your elders that if your father or mother is of angry behavior then you will also be of angry behavior or they would say that you are same as your father or mother whosoever have angry behavior.
Today I will not talk about the behavior or something but I will talk about a major thing that our parent’s have and that can come in us from our parent’s.
Today I am going to talk about the diabetes and the key role our family can play to transfer it to us.
See it is confirm that if any of your parent either it’s your mother or your father have diabetes then there are high chances of you to have diabetes because of genes. We can’t actually do in this case just one thing that we can do is that we can take some precaution’s.
Some major precautions and things we can do in this case-

Image result for fruits a diabetic person can eat
• TIPS FOR FAMILY OF A DIABETIC- First and the major step is to adapt healthy eating habit, I know it’s really difficult in today’s world but it’s the things that are beneficial for you only, no one else is going to be healthy it’s just you taking care of you to not to get anything serious. We should also exercise daily. I know the things I am telling you is like really difficult one but again I am saying it’s you taking care of you. If you do these things for 21 days continuously then it will become a habit of you on 22nd day. It’s scientifically proven. Other things you can take care of are to keep stress away from you. And last but the most important is to change your lifestyle, to change the way you live your life. Because if you have diabetes then you are not like the normal people you have a serious problem which can become ever serious if not taken care.
• WHAT SHOULD PATIENT’S AVOID- In this the things that you should avoid is like you should not eat mangoes, grapes, litchi, dates, banana, sweets, chocolate, juices and at last bakery product’s. These are type of things which are impossible to avoid if offered but it’s for you only.

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• HEALTHY OPTION’S- You should avoid the fruits I mentioned above but this does not mean that you should avoid all type of fruits. There are some fruits and other things that you can eat and they will not harm your body. They are jamun, green apple, papaya, guava, oranges, low fat milk and soya milk. These are the things that you can eat.
This is all about today’s blog, if want some other information or want to ask about anything related to diabetes you can comment your question’s in the comment box. You can also tell me any other problem that you want to know about.

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